Sugarloaf Homeowners Association


Architectural Control Committee (ACC)

In order to ensure that property values are maintained, the Association has an Architectural Control Committee (ACC) charged with reviewing proposed exterior changes to owner properties. Per the Association CC&Rs (Article 5), no building, fence, wall, pool, spa, obstruction, outside or exterior wiring, balcony, screen, patio, patio cover, tent, awning, trellis, improvement or structure of any kind shall be commenced, installed, erected, replaced, painted or maintained upon the Property, nor shall any alteration or improvement of any kind be made thereto, or to the exterior of any residence, until the Board or ACC has approved the project. Owners are required to fill out an ACC Project Application, including getting the signatures of their neighbors to confirm that the neighbors have been notified of the project. Completed forms are sent to the SLHOA Property Manager (fax to 650-349-9190, email, or US postal okay) and are then reviewed by the ACC. You may submit scanned completed forms, but please ensure that they are legible, especially if being faxed. Please plan your project accordingly, since it will take some time (at least one week) to route and review the document and communicate the approval status back to the owner. In a rush situation, you may be able to save some time by sending the completed forms directly to the ACC (contact the ACC Chair). If you have any questions as to whether your project requires ACC approval, contact the Property Manager or ACC (see ACC contact list below) after reviewing the documentation here.

Committee Members

  Bob Kiss (Committee Chair)


Related Resources & Documents

  ACC Project Application

  Owner Repainting Process Flow

  Exterior Painting Rules

  Wood Siding and Shingle Painting Rules

  Garage Door Painting Rules

  Sugarloaf Color Schemes Paint Formulas

  Painting Contractor Reference List

  Sugarloaf Paint & Roof Color Database

  Replacing Your Mailbox

  Association Policy on Solar Energy Systems

  Association Policy on Paver Stone Driveways

All documents are provided solely for use by current owners or residents.

All documents are in PDF format.